5 Great Ways To Turn Blog Comments into Conversations

An easy way to reduce your bounce rate.


If you’ve been focusing on content writing for your website, then you are most likely aware of the importance of doing what you can to reduce bounce rate.

One way to achieve an improved bounce rate is to encourage the development of conversations in your blog comments. They can keep people on the page longer, which can do wonders to reduce bounce rate on your site.

Reduce bounce rate with blog comment conversations

If you’ve ever left a comment on a blog of a writer that you respect, you’ll know how great it feels when they respond to you. You may also have experienced the opposite. You take the time to leave a relevant and thoughtful comment, but when no response comes, and you feel slightly aggrieved that you have not received any acknowledgement for your time and effort. It can be very disappointing.

Now that we’ve all experienced the wonders of social media, where taking the time to invest in forming relationships with our audience can pay off. While we are on this topic – social media also provides a more concentrated form of responding.

Why blog comments

In addition to giving you a great opportunity to reduce bounce rate, blog comments are a great way to engage people in your brand. Although the focus of this article is on creating conversation from your blog comments, or even discussions, knowing how to encourage blog comments and how to build relationships with commenters is also something that is important to invest in.

1. Respond in a personable manner

Compared to a business tone, writing in a personal tone is far more effective when it comes to building relationships. It will leave readers feeling far more comfortable and commenters can feel at ease to share more and be more open. No matter your focus, put your efforts into using a personal voice.

2. Use questions to invites readers to respond

With less than 1% of readers leaving comments on the blog, it’s better to guide readers to respond with questions on the topic that you’ve covered. The final paragraph is a great place to position these questions. You can ask for readers to share their thoughts, if you use questions that provide scope for readers to share their experiences or their thinking on topics, that will help.

3. Don’t be a Know-it-All

Writers that come across as being conceited will turn their readers off. Although you may be an expert in your field, try to stay away from appearing to be arrogant and put the focus on being confident and knowledgeable. Being conceited will prevent readers from feeling comfortable enough to leave comments on your blog.

4. Admit You May be Wrong

This is a particularly good approach for requesting blog comments on a topic. Not only will you appear to be humble and approachable, but you are requesting input from others who may wish to share their opinion.

5. Greet your reader

A simple salutation to your reader can make all the difference. A ‘hi Bob’ or ‘Hey Bob, thanks for stopping by’ shows appreciation. Just as it’s good practice in society, it’s also good practice when responding to blog comments. Use the reader’s name in the greeting too.

In summary, by being friendly and asking questions, you can further the conversation and encourage more dialogue. Be polite and share your experiences and views while asking the reader for their opinion on what you’ve shared. This will result in a positive influence as part of activities to reduce bounce rate on your website.

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