Stepping on SEO Experts Toes

Is your business at risk of being damaged by people who don’t know what they’re doing?


Wouldn’t you like to know exactly whether what you SEO services people are doing to your website? Is it helping your business to get found or could it even be detrimental to your success?

Is your business at risk of being damaged by people who don’t know what they’re doing?

We have all heard horror stories from small businesses. People who have put all their trust (and their money) into their SEO service company thinking that what they were doing was good works. But things have gone seriously awry, and all the money spent on their ‘skyrocket to the top’ service was built using black hat techniques that have all but destroyed their livelihood.

This article has been written to afford you some form of protection so these types of charlatans don’t scam you. It’s an area that you need to know about so that you know whether the SEO services that you’re paying for are helping or harming your business. After you’ve read this, you’ll have the confidence of knowing what to look for in an SEO report.

What you must look for and why stepping on SEO experts toes is fine:

Whether you’ve only just decided to hire them, or they’ve been on the job for some time, it’s critical that you know what they’re doing. The faster you find out what their doing, the more chance you have of intervening if what they’re doing is not good for your site.

Here are some of the signs that should set off alarm bells in your head:

1. You don’t see any results.

Of course, there should be some reporting coming from your SEO service. The company should be able to share with you some of their practices. Are they doing guest posting, adding you to directories or what?

Although it can take months of work to make significant changes to SEO result rankings, they should still be able to give you some information.

The SEO reports you should be able to see are:

  • An audit of your sites SEO
  • An analysis of the link profile of your site
  • Content on your site that has been optimised
  • The articles that are being used as guest posts on other sites

These are examples of what you should be able to request access to. The bottom line is that there should be some evidence of work being undertaken to improve your search ranking results.

2. They don’t ask you for anything.

Anybody who is working on your site is going to need something from you. They should be asking you for the following :

  • Access to your website
  • Access to your Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
  • Access to your social media accounts
  • A list of keywords that you want them to focus on, or at least agreement to their newly created or revised list

If they are not asking you for anything at all, they could be adding backlinks from their spammy sites and so, therefore, don’t need access. Again, look for a comprehensive SEO report to know whether you’re getting a good SEO service.

3. They haven’t given you any improvement suggestions

If the SEO service company is not interacting you either with things to do or with questions, then they are either doing something they probably shouldn’t be or they aren’t actually doing anything at all.

The disreputable or shady SEO service companies will often put all their focus on putting backlinks from websites back to yours. They depend on these spammy efforts to make all the difference to your search results. They don’t want to interact or engage with you as their client. They just want to give you what they have so that you think you’re getting value for the spend.

The best SEO service companies see their relationship with you in a different way. It’s more of a partnership and for you to both experience success, they will need to work with you. If they don’t share what their practices with you, preferably in the form of a comprehensive SEO report, then that is a big alarm signal right there.

4.  The SEO service that is doing this right

However, despite there being some shady companies out there, there are also a lot of great ones. Here are a few signs that they are working hard on your behalf and what you should be expecting:

  • The quality SEO service company is going to be keen to show you what they’ve been doing.
  • You may not immediately be on the first page, but you they will likely share with you websites where a link to your website has been added.
  • An SEO audit of your website, homepage and content with action points
  • An audit of your link profile with action points
  • New content that has been written for your pages or changes to it.
  • A regular SEO report – monthly or weekly that communicates what work has been done and where your site is now ranking in the search results.

 5. A list of recommendations

SEO service companies cannot help you unless you help them to help you.  They will be recommending what you need to do to improve your search situation and get the results that you’re looking for.

Recommendations from them may include:

  • Setting up social media presence such as Facebook, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn etc
  • To add links to your social media or other integration on your homepage from
  • to create a content marketing plan and a blog
  • optimisation of site content
  • alt tags to be added to the image
  • changes to your robotx.txt
  • the addition of a sitemap.xml
  • changes to improve the speed of the site
  • make the site mobile friendly
  • the addition of Yoast to make it easier to use SEO on your site

When these recommendations are made, the SEO services company is helping you. All these actions will help your site to perform better in the search engine rankings. Some companies will even ‘fire’ their clients if they don’t take these recommendations seriously – as it puts their reputation on the line and they also don’t want to waste time on a no hope situation.

6. Your search engine results improve

Once your site starts to rank for your target keywords and you reach the first page of Google, then they’re doing work that is helping you. You should receive a list of the keywords including long tail keywords that you’re ranking well for. Your ranking also needs to stay consistent.

What if your traffic goes down?

This isn’t necessarily a negative. Sometimes the traffic that is going to your site is more targeted and your profits will increase from it.

What is your role?

As a customer, your role is to stay patient and calm. It’s also to take note of the recommendations that you receive. We recommend all our clients do their research about how SEO works so that they can rest assured that we are doing the right activities.  You should also be monitoring results to ensure that you get regular SEO reports and increased ranking results.
